Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On A Continuous Journey for Joy and Fulfillment: Just A Quick Note!

On A Continuous Journey for Joy and Fulfillment: Just A Quick Note!: Hope all is well with you this morning!  Up with coffee and watching our lil one Swift play (he is an 11 month old Cairn terrier/Chihuahua m...

Just A Quick Note!

Hope all is well with you this morning!  Up with coffee and watching our lil one Swift play (he is an 11 month old Cairn terrier/Chihuahua mix puppy).  So adorable!  I will have to post pix of him soon!  Anyway, we are up and at 'em and he's going to have a puppy spa day!! 

I have much to do and it always seems I never know how to prioritize what needs to be done first.  I have taken classes on this and I am bad at implementing them into my daily life.  I am a work in progress (but aren't we all).  I write lists almost everyday; does anyone else do this?

I am excited to watch last night's Oprah's Life Class with Tony Robbins!  I taped it, so today I will be doing that at some point (get out pen and paper and take note!). 

For now, I leave you with this:

Practice compassion today.  Transform your ego into humility.

Love and Light,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 1

Well, I am on this journey in life.  The one to find continued joy and fulfillment; which is everyone's ultimate destiny I believe, right?!  I just started my Google account and so far am liking all of the features.  I live in fabulous Sin City Las Vegas.  Emphasis on the "sin" LOL!  I want to create a better world for me, my partner, family, friends; for all!  I hope that I can write about things that are fun, amusing, thought provoking, inspiring and maybe, just maybe, make you think and open your mind a little more than the day before!

I love sharing stories with people; finding out where you came from, background and how we are all in some way connected to a greater Being.  I have sort of turned a "new leaf" in my life, at the age of 33.  It's a little long and in depth but overall for the best!  I stopped smoking Jan. 16, after smoking for nearly 15 years of my life, and March 6th I quit drinking, which if you "know me" I'm sure you are thinking "What the hell?!" 

I also gave up meat, well, not all together.  Growing up a Midwestern boy I don't think I could ever go 100% vegetarian.  But I do not eat meat nearly as much as I use too.  Mainly from a thought provoking movie called "Forks Over Knives."  Watch it and make your our decision.  However, I loved seafood, especially sushi!

I write "know me" in quotations because I think many people or "friends" think they know me in Las Vegas, simply because of a persona they may see....  You think you know, but you have no idea.....

I have been with my partner for over 6 years!  Something, in my life, a major feat.  It has also been the longest relationship I have ever had!  He is truly thee love of my life (along with our baby boy Swift) and my rock, my BFF, my partner in crime and the one who gets me.

I love to read inspirational books; Kabbalah, meditation, the so called "self help" books.  I am currently watching Oprah's Life Class tour, Monday nights, and it has put sooooo much into perspective, even with the first episode!

I sit at my dining table, with coffee (you will soon learn that I, too, am addicted to coffee), as the sun in Vegas is shining brightly.  On this Sunday, looking out my window, it seems peaceful.  Not many cars on the road this early morning, like a normal Vegas morning.

I currently go to school full time for fashion design; my passion in life!  I have lots of projects that keep me busy all the time so I will try and write as often as I can, even if it's just a thought.

As I read and watch these life lessons, I take away many things especially quotes and thoughts.  I'll end with one for now:

"When you don't show up as who you are, people will fall in love with who you are not." - Iyanla Vanzant

Light and Love,