Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just A Quick Note!

Hope all is well with you this morning!  Up with coffee and watching our lil one Swift play (he is an 11 month old Cairn terrier/Chihuahua mix puppy).  So adorable!  I will have to post pix of him soon!  Anyway, we are up and at 'em and he's going to have a puppy spa day!! 

I have much to do and it always seems I never know how to prioritize what needs to be done first.  I have taken classes on this and I am bad at implementing them into my daily life.  I am a work in progress (but aren't we all).  I write lists almost everyday; does anyone else do this?

I am excited to watch last night's Oprah's Life Class with Tony Robbins!  I taped it, so today I will be doing that at some point (get out pen and paper and take note!). 

For now, I leave you with this:

Practice compassion today.  Transform your ego into humility.

Love and Light,

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